Global Product Type | Basic Calculators |
Power Source(s) | Battery,Solar |
Display Notation | Numeric |
Number of Display Digits | 8 |
Calculators Display Type | LCD |
Calculators Memory | 3-Key |
Display Angle | Fixed |
Display Characters Height | 13.4 mm |
Percent Key(s) | Yes |
Fraction Calculations | No |
Fraction/Decimal Conversions | No |
Decimal Function | No |
+/- Switch Key | Yes |
Currency Exchange Function | No |
Metric Conversion | No |
Backspace Key | No |
Double Zero Key | No |
Amortization | No |
Base Number Calculations | No |
Bond Calculations | No |
Complex Number Calculations | No |
Confidence Interval Calculating | No |
Cost/Sell/Margin | No |
Date Calculations | No |
Depreciation Calculations | No |
Equation Editor | No |
Grand Total Key | No |
Hyperbolic Functions | No |
Hypothesis Testing | No |
Interest Rate Conversion | No |
Item Count Function | No |
Linear Regression | No |
Loan Calculation | No |
Logical (Boolean) Operations | No |
Markup/Down Key | No |
Matrices | No |
Percent Add-On/Discount | Yes |
Polar-Rectangular Conversion | No |
Probability (Random Number) | No |
Simultaneous Equations | No |
Square Root Key | Yes |
Tax Calculation | Yes |
Time-Value-of-Money | No |
Time/Date | No |
Trig/Log Functions | No |
Variable Regression | No |
Size | 4.13 x 5.38 |
Replacement Batteries | Alkaline Button Cell |
Wall-Mountable | Yes |
Product Biodegradability in Days | 0 |
Package Includes | Battery,Documentation |
Compliance Standards | RoHS Compliant |
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent | 0% |
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent | 0% |
Total Recycled Content Percent | 0% |
Box Weight | 0.26 lbs. |
Box Height | 1.1 in |
Box Length | 9.63 in |
Box Width | 6.75 in |
Carton Height | 7.9 in |
Carton Length | |
Carton Width | 10.2 in |
Item Weight | 0.34 lbs. |
Item Height | 1.1 in |
Item Length | 9.63 in |
Item Width | 6.75 in |
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