D-610BTVP Connected Label Maker with Color Display, 30 mm/s Print Speed, 14.2 x 6 x 13.3
- A versatile solution to merchandise your products, track assets and inventory, organize your stock, and promote your services!
- Connect via the included USB cable or Bluetooth from a computer or mobile device; features built-in design tools to create custom labels or print from templates.
- For use with Brother genuine TZe label tapes up to 1 inch with multiple uses like security tapes, flexible ID cable tapes and premium tapes in a variety of finishes and colors.
- Large 20-character, 2-line full color LCD display to preview labels before printing.
- Prints up to 8 lines of text with 17 fonts, 17 font styles, 160 premium frames, and 900 symbols, plus enhanced memory capacity to store up to 90 labels for quick reprinting any time!
- Quick and easy to create and print with QWERTY keyboard, quick one-touch formatting keys, and 175 pre-loaded business-specific templates.